"Trust me."

Character profile content that may be disturbing or unsettling to some, including but not limited to: child abuse, indentured servitude, and mental illness. Discretion advised.


Name: Hektor Knockenmus
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Pronouns: Masculine
Height: 188cm // 6ft 2in
Orientation: Purely asexual. Hektor has a tenuous grip on his sense of self value and how he relates to those around him, which has only been exacerbated by his history of abuse and lack of innate sexual attraction to others.
Relationship Status: Single
Element: Fire
Experience: 10
Electrokinesis lvl.4 || +5 ATK, +4 MIN
Photokinesis lvl.1 || +1 ATK, +1 DEX
Pyrokinesis lvl.2 || +4ATK
Paraparesis lvl.2 || -3 EHP
Flash || -3EHP
Pulsar || -5EHP
Supernova || +5ATK, -ALL EHP
Crafting and Repair lvl.2
Vehicles and Machinery lvl.2
Medical lvl.10
Physical Health
║♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥║20
Elemental Health
║♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ║7
║♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦║ 12/12
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║♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ║8/20
Faction: TALION
Rank: Gunner || +1 ATK
curious | dedicated | enthusiastic | innovative | resourceful | risk-taking
questioning | uninhibited | enigmatic
clumsy | finicky | gullible | negligent | temperamental | ungraceful
"Obsessive" might be an understatement. Due to moderate brain damage, Hektor doesn't quite think like other people might. Thoughts and compulsions fly into his head at random. Some he'll latch onto -- such as his preoccupation with proving himself as a capable medic -- to the point of absurdity, whereas others drop from his attention almost immediately. Naturally this spaciness, on top of the language barrier, makes Hektor quite a confusing conversationalist. Despite his difficulties in expressing himself verbally, Hektor is generally chatty and tries to be approachable. however his unnerving preoccupations and lack of expressive face tend to drive people away far more often than not. In all, Hektor is quite a hard worker and strives to be of use in any way possible. Unfortunately, he tends to do just about everything wrong. His alleged skill as a medic, especially, is best left unsaid.Though generally willing to trust most strangers, or at least engage them in conversation, his time spent being forced into warfare has made Hektor somewhat wary of others. This is, as was generally accepted by the warlords he was indentured to, more akin to putting a shock collar on a dog than it is because he's learned any kind of lesson.


Hektor shouldn't have survived childbirth.Everything Hektor is, has been, and ever will be is thanks to his mother's doula, who acted quickly when he was delivered with his umbilical cord around his neck and saved his life. Despite the alarming visual his parents' worries were sated: nuchal cords were not uncommon, yes it may have had to be clamped and cut immediately due to its tightness but his breathing and heart rate were normal, permanent injury was unlikely, congratulations on your new baby boy.It took three years before any of them realized she was wrong.Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy was the name of Hektor's injury but neither of his parents, themselves non-native English speakers and poor orchard workers from the east of Tennfjord, knew his diagnosis by any name. After all, it'd seemed on the surface like his traumatic birth was behind him: his growth and development until then had been comparable to other village children. Sure, there were signs they should have noticed -- he was not an emotionally expressive child, a non-issue they'd chalked up to personality -- but for all intents and purposes Hektor was no different than any other toddler.Until he started communicating.First excused as childhood idiosyncracies, Hektor's unusual thought patterns became unsettlingly substantial. His "imaginative play" didn't stay imaginative, and his methods of enacting his ideas were unorthodox at best and straight up disastrous at worst. Chief among these was his bizarre surface-level interest in medicine and his insistence on surgically "fixing" things, sprung out of simple curiosity but explored in disastrous manners. The non-organic "patients" were enough of a stressor on his mother Margrit, as items -- pillows, carpet, the walls -- began sporting conspicuous gashes. Sending him outside, however, gave him access to worse: dead animals.When it became clear that his intonations weren't just adolescent naughtiness, his family unit started to break down.It wasn't a stretch to say that Hektor and the stress associated with his care was the caveat for his parents' split. Denis Knockenmus checked out first, starting an affair and abandoning his wife and son when his mistress fell pregnant. In all honesty, Margrit couldn't blame him for wanting an ordinary family, and had she had the opportunity she may have done the same. As it was, though, she was left angry at the betrayal, increasingly enraged by her son's behaviour, and above all struggling with clear caregiver's burnout. She handled her frustrations poorly -- her use of corporal punishment to try and corral Hektor's behaviour doubled as a means of releasing her anger, blatantly abusive yet hiding behind the label of "discipline." It didn't help either of them. Rather than cease his behaviour the violent reprimands only encouraged Hektor to seek validation for his uncouth acts, begging his superiors to be proud of him -- or attempt to hide what he was doing altogether. Inevitably he'd be found out, Margrit's temper would flare again, the cycle would begin anew.When he started discharging electricity as a youth, his mother knew she'd found her out.Neither parent was an Elemental -- and both would staunchly maintain it must have come from the other's side of the family, hesitant to implicate one of their own -- but the genealogy ultimately didn't matter. Hektor's awakening, like the development of his mental state, was initially mild. It started with simple static discharge, frequent, strong shocks whenever he made contact with a surface that nevertheless could've been attributed to dry air. When the static discharges turned visible -- and harmful -- it was impossible to ignore the reality.Hektor was an Elemental -- and within days of discovery Margrit had a contract drawn up with an Elemental hunter for his sale.To thirteen year old Hektor's credit, his comprehension of the world and his grip on reality was poor enough that his sudden indentured servitude was of little consequence. Falsely believing his sudden sale and purchase as a weapon were expected, commonplace, ordinary developments that everyone his age experienced, he took to his new circumstance far easier than others -- others who actually grasped the gravity of their situation. Unlike those others, though, Hektor had little fear or reverence for his owner. He was almost innocently insubordinate, frequently questioning orders or acting on his own impulse. The response was violent -- and, though generally enough to spur him into momentary obedience, as his mother had learned it did nothing to correct the problem. The irritation that came from keeping him would quickly outlive his usefulness as a weapon, and he found himself frequently resold to warlords across Urania, decisions which made his insubordination worse as, speaking next to no English, he now had a language barrier to contend with. His physical strength and potential for use as a human Taser were often put on a pedestal for prospective buyers, and his mental state completely unrepresented.It was after one such devious sale that he was branded.Deemed a biological hazard by his detainer at the time, Hektor had his hand tattooed, partly as a warning to other buyers and partly to shame him for his behaviour. To this end, at least, the branding worked -- deeply bothered by the permanence and visibility of this punishment Hektor ceased acting without order.He was rescued from servitude before he could be sold again. In all, Hektor spent four years in servitude before being rescued to Newhaven. Again, incongruous with the other indentured Elementals he'd been rescued with, Hektor wasn't thankful for the second chance or angry about what he'd been forced through -- he barely registered he'd been rescued at all. With little to show for his years as a human weapon except a hand tattoo and a faint myriad of bodily scars, Hektor slid easily back into civilian life, taking the dramatic change in his quality of life as merely another scheduled phase of his life. In the nine years since rescue little has changed. His English has improved -- an effort made by his boss, a local small business owner, in exchange for his employment as a stockboy-cum-sales merchant. Nevertheless, freedom has encouraged Hektor to pick back up on his old habits -- namely, staunchly maintaining that no, he is a doctor, and insisting that he will only make better, he does not hurt, trust him. He will fix. He will help. He is not crazy. Trust him.


-Hektor speaks "Germgrish." Even when he manages to use English words correctly he still uses them in a German structure. More commonly, he forgets which language he's speaking and will switch mid-sentence, or will use German words in place of English ones he can't remember.
-Before he even speaks, Hektor's face gives away that he's unwell. He can't consciously control his expression well, and attempts at trying make it look as if he suffers from facial paralysis. This is not the case, however, and is clear when he subconsciously expresses emotion -- especially anger.
-Much like a child, Hektor doesn't handle being told "no" well. Scolding in general brings back unpleasant memories from his childhood, and he generally reacts in kind. A kinder, gentler letdown leaves him morose and disappointed; a demand, however…
Personal Data File
Comic: Disposition
-Summer, 5277
-Kein Englisch
FC: Gerhard Freidl
VC: Steve Naghavi
---User Info
Name: Ätzend (EHT-sinned)
Pronouns: Feminine
Legal adult?: Yes
Platform: Discord or Docs ovob
Rp preferences: One on one or in small groups I tend to do pretty long-form replies -- about 3-5 paragraphs on average though I stylistically break em up a lot -- but I don't expect others to match my word count though so no pressure necessary! I can also no problem do script or one liners for major group events ovob
I'm also a stay at home mom of a toddler though and while I'll sometimes be able to do long replies during the day (my time) while he's awake, I usually stick to HCs or one liner chat-type posts. Don't worry if I'm shitposting and I owe a reply, I haven't forgotten it!